Segment 1
Segment 1
Sign up for Segment 1
Students must be minimally 14 years and 8 months.
It’s important that you have a valid Birth Certificate or State ID, which could be a Passport, to verify your student’s information. Students have to pass an eye exam, so make sure to do that before they start driver ed if it has been a while.
Begin Segment 1: It Has 12 Classroom Sessions
livestream or in-person depending on the availability of the instructors & the location you choose. Each session is 2 hours.
After Completing the First Day of Class You Will Be Able to Begin Signing Up for Your Behind the Wheel Drives (In-Car Lessons)
Students must complete all 6 drives and 4 observation hours within 6 weeks of the class beginning.
Students Will Take Their In-Person Written Test on Session 12
In order to take their test they must have minimally 3 out of the 6 drives completed.
Once Students Have Completed All 12 Class Sessions, 6 Behind the Wheel Drives and Observations AND Passed the Test – They May Request their Segment 1 Certificate of Completion Through their Student Portal
This will be emailed within 3-5 business days.
Once a Student Has Been Emailed and Has Printed their Certificate of Completion
They Will Need to Go to the Secretary of State with the required documentation to apply for their Level 1 License.
You’ll receive this license from the Secretary of State, please know that this license means the student can only drive with a licensed driver over 21. And, you cannot start driving until you get this.