Segment 2

Segment 2

Segment 2



Students Must have Held their Level 1 License for a Consecutive 3 Months

Students can register prior to having held it for 3 months, but the start date must be 3 consecutive months from Level 1 License Issue Date.

You should’ve gotten your Level 1 License. If you didn’t go to the Secretary of State to get this license, then you’re NOT eligible to take Segment 2 yet, and we recommend doing so ASAP.

Students Must Have 30/50 Driving Hours Logged, 2 of the Hours Being Night Driving.

Prior to Day 1 of class students MUST ensure they have entered their Level 1 License and Issue Date into their Student Portal.

If your Level 1 License and Issue Date is not provided by the FIRST DAY OF CLASS, you may be unenrolled and you will not receive a Certificate of Completion.

Begin Segment 2 which consists of 3 class sessions, each one is 2 hours livestream or in-person depending on location.

Session 3 will be a test.

Once a student has completed all 3 class sessions and passed the test they will be emailed their Certificate.

Certificates will be emailed within 3-5 business days following completion.

After having held your Level 1 License for 6 months, logging 50 driving hours, 10 of them being night driving you will be eligible to take your Road Test.

Mc Driving School

MC Driving School has provided superior driver education in Michigan for more than 5 years

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